Thursday, October 04, 2007

Scotty Had a Run In with a Sopapilla!

Yes, Scotty is a white boy, but you wouldn't know it when he got down with his sopapillas one night while visiting. Karol, Stephen, Scotty and I all when to dinner at a wonderful restaurant called Abuelos and had a wonderful mexican meal. Scotty ended up drowning in the honey though when it came time for dessert! Don't worry Scotty - You'll become an aficianado one day!

Putt-Putt Golf with Scotty and Stephen

Okay, I am definitely not the putt-putt champion of the world, but Stephen and Scotty duked it out and had a blast. Stephen ended up winning, but Scotty gave him a run for his money. I was just happy to be in the sun with two of the boys! We won't talk about scores =)

Dodgers v. Diamondbacks

Scotty and I had the best time attending the Dodgers/Diamondbacks game too. My executive producer from El Paso was unable to attend, even though he had bought tickets, and gave them to Scotty and me instead. A bratwurst, ice cream and soda later, we had truly had the ballpark experience! Yes, the Diamondbacks won 6-2: The best baseball game I have ever seen and it's no wonder they are in the playoffs!

Scotty Came to Visit and We had the Best time!

We were able to tour Taliesin West and learn more about Frank Lloyd Wright, America's most renowned architect. He was truly a man ahead of his time! He was the first one to come up with including rocks and concrete to create a wall, diffused lighting through canvas, floor lighting, surround sound, and many other characteristics of design we take for granted.