Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello Dartmouth

I have lived on more planes in the last month than I care to admit, but it was all worthwhile! I just returned from visiting Scotty at Dartmouth and the cooler weather was awesome. Yesterday was 105 in Phoenix, and we aren't even to June yet. It never stops.

Anyway, back to the good story. So, Scotty had a crew race and did so well. They lost to Syracuse by just half a second and it was incredible to watch. This is the shot of Scott as he finished the race. It is exhausting to row for at least 6 minutes and 2000 meters. The other picture is of them mid-race and Scotty is the guy at the very back.

The day before, the coach allowed me to go out on the water for training and watch the guys. The level of fitness is above and beyond and I swear, you could smell the testosterone burning, which I think is fabulous!

We also went into Boston and toured the Museum of Science, ate at a authentic little pizza place and celebrated Scott's birthday at the Cheesecake Factory. Needless to say, but we had a great time and I realize it gets more and more difficult to say goodbye to family.