Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A New Casa

Okay, you've begged, borrowed and pleaded your way into getting me to do this. Well, here's the shack in all it's glory! All 900 square feet of nasty tile, bad appliances and in need of paint. Needless to say, but can we say summer project one more time? Yeah! I do not plan on putting any more pictures up until it is finished, as it will be a long process. However, this gives you the interior and hopefully the exteriors will be coming soon.

Oh, and can I thank Craigslist one more time. Here's what I managed to sell on there and would advise you to too!

Refrigerator: $100
Kitchen cabinets: $300
Stackable washer and dryer: $400
Stove: $40
Craigslist: Priceless!

Also, I must comment on the fabulous linoleum in the bathrooms. What more can a girl ask for? How about the tile guys coming in tomorrow to gut the flooring and put in new tile. It's going to look great. Oh, and if you're interested, I'm also selling the toilets from the bathrooms on craigslist. I'll let you know if we have any brave takers!